Wrapper function for ctk's ctk_tag2profile
outFile = paste0(file_path_sans_ext(filesToRun), ".out"),
outFile2 = NULL,
sb = "tag2profile.pl",
perl = "perl",
bigFile = FALSE,
weight = FALSE,
weightAvg = FALSE,
ss = TRUE,
exact = TRUE,
nz = FALSE,
ext5 = NULL,
ext3 = NULL,
chromLen = NULL,
region = NULL,
minBlockSize = 2e+06,
windowSize = 100,
stepSize = 20,
outputFormat = "bedgraph",
normalization = "none",
stderr = file.path(dirname(fileToRun), paste0(basename(fileToRun),
stdout = file.path(dirname(fileToRun), paste0(basename(fileToRun),
useClipRConda = ifelse(is.null(getOption("CLIPflexR.condaEnv")), FALSE, TRUE),
additional_Args = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
writelog = T
path to file to process (BED).
path to output file (BED).
path to output 2 file (BED; specify two output files to separate strands).
path to tag2profile.pl from CTK.
path to PERL
path to PERL5LIB.
TRUE when working with a big file, TRUE or FALSE (default).
weight counts according to the score of each tag, TRUE or FALSE (default).
weight average the score of each tag, TRUE or FALSE (default).
separate strand, TRUE (default) or FALSE.
exact count at each nucleotide, TRUE (default) or FALSE.
don't print zeroes (works for sgr and bed), TRUE or FALSE (default).
extension of tags at the 5' end, default is NULL (set to integer to specify).
extension of tags at the 3' end, default is NULL (set to integer to specify).
chrom length file, default is NULL (set file path to specify).
a bed file with regions to count tag numbers; if not specified (NULL), count in moving windows
minimum number of lines to read in each block for a big file, default is 2000000.
window size, default is 100.
step size, default is 20.
output format, "bed" or "bedgraph" (default) or "sgr".
normalization, "none" (default) or "rpkm" or multiply=1.3).
path to stdout file.
path to stdout file.
use conda environment installed by Herper, TRUE (default) or FALSE.
Additional arguments to be passed to system call.
print messages, TRUE or FALSE (default).
write stderr/stdout logs, TRUE (default) or FALSE.
path to BED file.
testFasta <- system.file("extdata/hg19Small.fa",package="CLIPflexR")
myIndex <-suppressWarnings(bowtie2_index(testFasta, overwrite = TRUE))
testFQ <- system.file("extdata/Fox3_Std_small.fq.gz",package="CLIPflexR")
FqFile_FF <- ctk_fastqFilter(testFQ,qsFilter="mean:0-29:20",verbose=TRUE)
#> fastq_filter.pl command is /Users/runner/Library/r-miniconda/envs/CLIPflexR_0.1.20/bin/ctk/fastq_filter.pl
#> fastq_filter.pl arguments are /Users/runner/Library/r-miniconda/envs/CLIPflexR_0.1.20/bin/ctk/fastq_filter.pl -if sanger -of fastq -f mean:0-29:20 /Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/CLIPflexR/extdata/Fox3_Std_small.fq.gz /Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/CLIPflexR/extdata/FF_Fox3_Std_small.fq.gz
FqFile <- decompress(FqFile_FF,overwrite=TRUE)
FqFile_clipped <- fastx_clipper(FqFile,length=20)
FqFile_QF <- fastq_quality_trimmer(FqFile_clipped)
FqFile_Col <- ctk_fastq2collapse(FqFile_QF,verbose=TRUE)
#> fastq_filter.pl command is /Users/runner/Library/r-miniconda/envs/CLIPflexR_0.1.20/bin/ctk/fastq2collapse.pl
#> fastq_filter.pl arguments are /Users/runner/Library/r-miniconda/envs/CLIPflexR_0.1.20/bin/ctk/fastq2collapse.pl /Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/CLIPflexR/extdata/QT_FF_Fox3_Std_small_clip.fq /Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/CLIPflexR/extdata/Collapsed_QT_FF_Fox3_Std_small_clip.fq
FqFile_QFColStripped <- ctk_stripBarcode(FqFile_Col,linkerlength=5,inputFormat="fastq")
bam <- suppressWarnings(bowtie_align(FqFile_QFColStripped,myIndex,
overwrite=TRUE, inputFormat="fastq"))
parsedAlignment <- ctk_parseAlignment(bam)
myCollaped <- ctk_tag2collapse(parsedAlignment,weight=FALSE,randomBarcode=FALSE,
#> tag2collapse.pl command is /Users/runner/Library/r-miniconda/envs/CLIPflexR_0.1.20/bin/ctk/tag2collapse.pl
#> tag2collapse.pl arguments are /Users/runner/Library/r-miniconda/envs/CLIPflexR_0.1.20/bin/ctk/tag2collapse.pl --keep-tag-name --keep-max-score -EM -1 --seq-error-model em-local /Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/CLIPflexR/extdata/Collapsed_QT_FF_Fox3_Std_small_clip_rm5.bed /Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/CLIPflexR/extdata/TC_Collapsed_QT_FF_Fox3_Std_small_clip_rm5.bed
myrgbBed <- ctk_bed2rgb(myCollaped,col="128,0,0")
#> tag2profile.pl command is /Users/runner/Library/r-miniconda/envs/CLIPflexR_0.1.20/bin/ctk/tag2profile.pl
#> tag2profile.pl arguments are /Users/runner/Library/r-miniconda/envs/CLIPflexR_0.1.20/bin/ctk/tag2profile.pl -ss -exact -minBlockSize 2000000 -w 100 -s 20 -of bedgraph -normalize none /Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/CLIPflexR/extdata/TC_Collapsed_QT_FF_Fox3_Std_small_clip_rm5.RGB.bed /Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/CLIPflexR/extdata/TC_Collapsed_QT_FF_Fox3_Std_small_clip_rm5.RGB.out
#> [1] "/Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/CLIPflexR/extdata/TC_Collapsed_QT_FF_Fox3_Std_small_clip_rm5.RGB.out"