Wrapper function for fastx_collapser
outFile = file.path(dirname(fileTofxc), gsub("\\.fastq|\\.fq|\\.fa|\\.fasta",
"_collapse.fasta", basename(fileTofxc))),
fxc = "fastx_collapser",
qEncoding = NULL,
stderr = file.path(dirname(fileTofxc), paste0(basename(fileTofxc),
stdout = file.path(dirname(fileTofxc), paste0(basename(fileTofxc),
useClipRConda = ifelse(is.null(getOption("CLIPflexR.condaEnv")), FALSE, TRUE),
additional_Args = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
writelog = T
path to file to process (fastq or fasta).
output file name (will be formatted as a fasta).
path to fastx_collapser from FastX toolkit.
quality encoding, set to either 33 (Sanger Phred+33 encoding/Illumina fastq; default) or NULL (Phred+64 fastq or fasta)
path to stderr file.
path to stdout file.
use conda environment installed by Herper, TRUE (default) or FALSE.
additional arguments to be passed to system call.
print messages to screen, TRUE or FALSE (default).
write stderr/stdout logs, TRUE (default) or FALSE.
path to unzipped file
testFQ <- system.file("extdata/Fox3_Std_small.fq.gz",package="CLIPflexR")
FqFile <- decompress(testFQ,overwrite=TRUE)
FqFile_QF <- fastq_quality_filter(FqFile)
FqFile_QFCollapsed <- fastx_collapser(FqFile_QF)