Retrieve sequences from under peaks/regions
resize = NULL,
add5 = 0,
add3 = 0,
verbose = FALSE,
bedHeader = TRUE,
bedSep = "\t"
CLIP peaks to process; accepts path to peak files (BED file or BED-formatted tab-delimited text files) or R objects (GRanges or BED-formatted data.frame); peak locations must be unique.
size of window in bp for resizing around peak center, default is NULL (set by specifying integer).
path to genome file (fasta).
bp to add to 5' of resized peak, default is 0 (set by specifying integer).
bp to add to 3' of resized peak, default is 0 (set by specifying integer).
print messages, TRUE or FALSE (default).
if peak file contains column headers, TRUE (default) or FALSE; if TRUE, column names must be "seqnames" (chromosome), "start" (peak start), "end" (peak end), "strand" (peak strand).
separator in BED file.
path to unzipped file.
testFQ <- system.file("extdata/Fox3_Std_small.fq.gz",package="CLIPflexR")
decom <- decompress(testFQ,overwrite=TRUE)
com <- compress(decom,overwrite=TRUE)